Private Lessons
Private lessons are an excellent way to get some one-on-one time with your coach. Whether you’re learning a new skill for the first time, or you just want some extra attention while perfecting something, private lessons can give you the edge you’re looking for. You must have a gym membership to be eligible for lessons at our facility. Membership is $35 for a year for your first athlete, siblings are $20 after.
Upon arrival be sure to sign into the Private lesson sign-in book.
1 Athlete, 30 minutes: $35
1 Athlete, 60 minutes: $65
2 Athletes, 30 minutes: $25 each, Total: $50
2 Athletes, 60 minutes: $45 each, Total: $90
3 Athletes, 30 minutes: $20 each, Total: $60
3 Athletes, 60 minutes: $40 each, Total: $120
1 Athlete, 30 minutes: $50
1 Athlete, 60 minutes: $85
2 Athletes, 30 minutes: $35 each, Total: $70
2 Athletes, 60 minutes: $60 each, Total: $120
Interested? Fill out this form:
Cancellation Policy
Canceled lessons must be canceled one calendar day before the scheduled lesson, otherwise, the lesson fee is owed.